Vastu Mantra

Vastu Mantra

Vastu Mantra

“Vastu Dosha is a defect that can be found in a home, business, or any other kind of building and attracts destructive and negative energies, disrupting the harmony and calm of the area.”

Vastu Dosha is caused by construction mistakes and a disregard for the laws governing the direction and movement of the Panch Mahabhut's (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space) energy. Regular Japa of the Vastu Mantra can eliminate Vastu Dosha. The Vastu Mantra assists in banishing these harmful energy and bringing luck into the area.

Rosary to be used for Chanting Vastu Mantra

Flowers to be used for Vastu Mantra

Peet pusp, Peet aasan, Peet vastra

Best Time or Muhurta for Chanting Vastu Mantra

Vastu santi muhurt

Total Number of Recitaion/Japa for Vastu Mantra

Frequency of japa for Vastu Mantra is 54,0000 or 1,25,0000 times

Deity of Vastu Mantra

Vastu Purush, also known as the Kaal Purush, is the god of the Vastu Mantra. The soul or energy of a location is referred to as vastu purush. Any premise's presiding god is known as Vastu Purush. Vastu Purush is positioned upside down, head first in the ground. His left and right hands are held out in the Southeast and Northwest, while his head is facing northeast and his feet are facing southwest. The seat of Brahman, the Universe's Creator, is in Vastu Purush's stomach region.

Benefits of Vastu Mantra

The Vastu Mantra can be said to promote prosperity, calm down malevolent planets, and boost beneficial planets. The Vastu Mantra bestows riches, health, and tranquility upon the inhabitants of the space. The Vastu Mantra instills a sense of tranquility, safety, and enjoyment across the space. Reciting the Vastu Mantra shields homes and businesses against bad spirits, black magic, and other negative forces. The Vastu Mantra has the ability to calm the mind and purify the surroundings of the building. Simply chanting the Vastu Mantra creates strong, positive forces and an auspicious atmosphere that is in harmony with the spirit of nature.

Vastu Vedic Mantra(Vastu Purusha Mantra)

This is known as Vastu Purusha Mantra. Recitation of Vastu Purusha Mantra brings peace and harmony in the house. Also removes Vastu Dosha.

| नमस्ते वास्तु पुरुषाय भूशय्या भिरत प्रभो |
|| मद्गृहं धन धान्यादि समृद्धं कुरु सर्वदा ||
| Namaste Vaastu Purushaay Bhooshayyaa Bhirat Prabho |
|| Madgriham Dhan Dhaanyaadi Samriddham Kuru Sarvada ||

Vastu Dosha Nivaran Mantra - 1

This is known as Vastu Dosha Nivaran Mantra. Vastu Dosha Nivaran Mantra removes Vastu Dosha. It is also used to do Havan.

|| ॐ वास्तोष्पते प्रति जानीद्यस्मान स्वावेशो अनमी वो भवान यत्वे महे प्रतितन्नो जुषस्व शन्नो भव द्विपदे शं चतुष्प्दे स्वाहा ||
|| Om Vaastoshpate Prati Jaanidyasmaan Swaawesho Anamee Vo Bhavaan Yatve Mahe Pratitanno Jushasva Sahnno Bhav Dvipade Sham Chatushpade Swaahaa ||

Vastu Dosha Nivaran Mantra - 2

|| ॐ वास्तोष्पते प्रतरणो न एधि गयस्फानो गोभि रश्वे भिरिदो अजरासस्ते सख्ये स्याम पितेव पुत्रान्प्रतिन्नो जुषस्य शन्नो भव द्विपदे शं चतुष्प्दे स्वाहा ||
|| Om Vaastoshpate Pratarano Na Edhi Gayasphaano Gobhi Rashve Bhirido Ajaraasaste Sakhye Syaam Pitev Putraanpratinno Jushashya Shanno Bhav Dvipade Sham Chatushpade Swaahaa ||

Vastu Dosha Nivaran Mantra - 3

| ॐ वास्तोष्पते शग्मया स र्ठ(ग्वग्) सदाते सक्षीम हिरण्यया गातु मन्धा |
|| चहिक्षेम उतयोगे वरन्नो यूयं पातस्वस्तिभिः सदानः स्वाहा ||
||| अमि वहा वास्तोष्पते विश्वारूपाशया विशन् सखा सुशेव एधिन स्वाहा |||
| Om Vaastoshpate Shagmayaa Sa Gvag Sadaate Saksheem Hiranyayaa Gaatu Mandhaa |
|| Chahikshem Utayoge Varanno Yooyam Paatasvastibhiha Sadaanah Swaahaa ||

Vastu Dosha Nivaran Mantra - 4

|| ॐ वास्तोष्पते ध्रुवास्थूणां सनं सौभ्या नां द्रप्सो भेत्ता पुरां शाश्वती ना मिन्क्षे मुनीनां सखा स्वाहा ||
|| Om Vaastoshpate Dhruvaasthoonaam Sanam Saubhyaa Naam Drapso Bhettaa Puraam Shashvatee Naa Minkshe Muninaam Sakhaa Swaahaa ||