Badhanivaran Mantra

Badhanivaran Mantra

Badhanivaran Mantra

“The main purpose of the Badha Nivarak Mantras is to get rid of obstacles and challenges in life. Reciting the Badha Nivarak Mantras will assist you overcome whatever difficulties you may be facing and solve all of your problems.”

We occasionally fail in our endeavors despite our greatest efforts and hard work. We worry about our health from time to time, and we experience relationship pain. We are failing on every front for reasons that are unknown to us. The Badha Nivarak Mantras are beneficial in such situations.

Rosary to be used for Chanting Badhanivaran Mantra

Flowers to be used for Badhanivaran Mantra

Nila vastra

Best Time or Muhurta for Chanting Badhanivaran Mantra

Ravi yog

Total Number of Recitaion/Japa for Badhanivaran Mantra

Frequency of japa for Badhanivaran Mantra is 1,25,0000 times

Deity of Badhanivaran Mantra

Maa Durga or Maa Kali, two representations of the same feminine Shakti, are the deities of the majority of the Badha Nivarak Mantras. These goddesses have the ability to vanquish all that is bad and unpleasant, to get past obstacles, and to vanquish foes.

Benefits of Badhanivaran Mantra

The main purpose of the Badha Nivarak Mantras is to get rid of obstacles and challenges in life. Reciting the Badha Nivarak Mantras will assist you overcome whatever difficulties you may be facing and solve all of your problems. This Badha Nivarak Mantras Japa has the ability to overcome and remove any obstacles and challenges. Reciting the Badha Nivarak Mantras on a regular basis bestows strength and power as well as positive energy. These Badha Nivarak Mantras, whether sung before starting a new endeavor or when showing up for tests or interviews, guarantee success and positive outcomes.

Badhanivaran Mantra - 1

| सर्वबाधा-प्रशमनं त्रैलोकस्याखिलेश्वरि |
|| एवमेव त्वया कार्यस्मद्ववैरिविनाशनम् ||
||| ॐ नमश्चंडिकायै |||
| Sarvabadha-Prashmanam Trailokyakhileshwari |
|| Evmev Tvayaa Karyasmdvavairivinashanam ||
||| Om Namaschandikayai |||

Badhanivaran Mantra - 2

|| ॐ हंसः हंसः ||
|| Om Hansah Hansah ||

Badhanivaran Mantra - 3

| कालि कालि महाकालि, मनोऽस्तुत हन हन |
|| दह दह शूलं त्रिशूलेन हुँ फट् स्वाहा ||
| Kaali Kaali Mahaakaali, Mano-astuta Han Han |
|| Dah Dah Shoolam Trishulen Hoom Phat Swaaha ||