क्या आप शनि की साढ़ेसाती से गुजर रहे हैं?

अपनी निःशुल्क साढ़ेसाती रिपोर्ट अभी प्राप्त करें

साढ़ेसाती दोष क्या है?

साढ़े साती का तात्पर्य साढ़े सात वर्ष की अवधि से है जिसमें शनि तीन राशियों से होकर गुजरता है, चंद्र राशि, एक चंद्रमा से पहले और एक उसके बाद। साढ़े साती तब शुरू होती है जब शनि जन्म चंद्र राशि से बारहवीं राशि में प्रवेश करता है और तब समाप्त होता है जब शनि जन्म चंद्र राशि से दूसरी राशि छोड़ता है।

चूँकि शनि एक राशि को पार करने में लगभग ढाई साल का समय लेता है जिसे शनि और ढैया कहा जाता है, इसलिए तीन राशियों को पार करने में लगभग साढ़े सात साल लगते हैं और इसीलिए इसे साढ़े साती के नाम से जाना जाता है।

अपनी निःशुल्क साढ़ेसाती रिपोर्ट अभी प्राप्त करें
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What is Sadhesati Dosha?

The term "Sadhe Sati" refers to the time of seven and a half years during which Saturn transits through the moon sign, the sign before the moon, and the sign after the moon. Sadhe Sati begins when Saturn (Shani) enters the sign that is 12 signs away from the sign that the Moon was born in and concludes when Saturn exits the sign that is 2 signs away from the Moon.

Saturn is known as Sadhe Sati because it takes around seven and a half years to transit three signs. Saturn takes approximately two and a half years to transit a sign, which is known as Shani dhaiya.


The term Saturn Sade Sati, often referred to as Shani Sade Sati, is dreaded. Disappointments, challenges, disputes, and discord are known to be brought into one's life, yet this is not universally true because it depends on the native's birth chart. However, just because it puts up certain obstacles does not guarantee that you won't get any outcomes. Saturn, for instance, can function for a native as a yoga karaka, which won't cause many issues. A lot of individuals experience two or three Sade Sati periods in their lives.

FAQs about Sadhesati

When Saturn enters the zodiac sign that is just before the Moon's zodiac sign at the moment of birth, sade-sati starts.

A person will typically experience Saturn's 7.5-year cycle three times in their lifetime: - The cycle's first Sade Sati may occur before age 28.

This is typically Saturn's most challenging phase. Transiting Saturn above the natal Moon portends health problems, character assassination, social problems, mental illnesses, and sorrows. You will struggle to do anything at this period.

The advantages of Sade Sati can be especially beneficial when Saturn is in the third, sixth, or eleventh house. Money, respect, power, and achievement all improve a person's life. The native is quite successful in this time period.